Thursday, April 26, 2012

My Bailey

So I thought that having a dog would be fantastic, a buddy to hang around with for those of us who do not like to roll solo. A running partner, a cuddle buddy, a little something to love me for feeding her scraps. Yeah!......And then there is the aspect that dogs are alot like kids or a particular breed of men. they are needy and they want everything in their site. I take my dog for walks on my lunchbreak because she looks just so sad sitting in her kennel. The whole time I walk her, I think, she better realize how good she has it! The dog has taken over my life, I hope she is enjoying herself. I am beginning to think that the dog is taking me for granted. A couple days prior I was leaving to go hiking with a friend. I will bring the dog, she will love it! I get ready, I got to get in the car and does my ungrateful dog follow suit, nope a marathon happens to be cruising past my house and my dog wants to join. Bailey proceeds to harass an all woman marathon as many of these females have brought their canine companions with them. My dog is not subtle, not quite and not polite. She proceeds to jump on every dog/woman and child that passes by, jumping, playing, biting....all while I chase after her, half dressed, yelling, making leaps at the dog with no avail. Oh and not helpful when a handful of b%&^*es start telling me that I should have my dog on a leash, while others scream, who's dog???!!!! I am obviously aware at this point that the dog cant be trusted and am trying my damned hardest to gather myself, my dog and get the hell back to safety. The more the women yell, the more Bailey jumps with joy thinking that this is a big, fat game of chase and it doesn't matter who is winning.....more to come.....

Skinny, colorful jeans, yes please

I like to bitch about what I dont like but there are quite a few things that I do like and colorful, bright jeans/pants/skirts are a go! I love them! I just got a pair of shocking blue pants that hit at just the right place on my ankle and look so cute with short boots, flats or sandals. I like! I hate pants that require a certain style of shoe. I need practical wear that allows me to go from work to play. These colorful spring wonders are so fun and I love the idea of playing up your legs with the pop of color. And they are fun enough for going out and they can be paired with a cute blouse for work....for those of you that have a dress code (lucky for me wearing clothes is about the only requirement for being in SEO).

And I give it my approval.

More trends that dont work

I would like to talk a little about the latest trend of patterns, flower patterns to be precise. I don't understand the head to toe need for anything with the exception of black. I give wearing all black a go, and MAYBE all white- in the summer Only and only if you have a nice bronze to your skin and also only if you are in a tropical/sunny/sandy location. This is not a look to be rocked in the rain for obvious reasons and also not a good look with pale skin unless you like the washed out look. I got off track, try again, the patterns, the different flower top and bottoms. Why? It's another look that no matter how hot you are, does not flatter. Isn't fashion and clothing and dropping your rent money on occasion all about looking good? Shoot if I can't pay my rent/car payment/cell phone bill I better look good doing it.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Google is not to be left out with Drive

Google has announced their new cloud storage, Drive. Now in line with Dropbox, Apple iCloud and SkyDrive, Google Drive allows users to take their files with them virtually everywhere. You may share these files with anyone that you may choose and access them from anywhere that you have internet access. Like other programs, Google Drive gives you 5 GB free and then allows you to upgrade to more storage for a price. You may use this on your Android phone, PC and Mac at this time with iPad and iPhone to come. Go Google, we wouldn't want you to be left in the dust.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Nail Polish-Colors or Nudes??

Okay, so every year at this time I start thinking about getting a manicure and a pedicure for all the fabulous beach vacations that I anticipate taking over the next few months. I have literally seen nails of all colors for spring. I want to know what is okay for the office? I know that this can be a totally skewed question depending on where you work but a best practice guide would be great. I am 30 and I am not sure that I can continue to pull off wearing hot pink and eccentric purples and still be able to maintain a  straight face. Coral has always been a go to and does red ever really go out of style. I don't want to look like I'm trying too hard. That "I just fell into my hair do, make-up and cute outfit" look has always been what I strive for.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Bringing 1993 Back

I don't get the florescent trend. I just can't simply think of a time when wearing neon anything is a good idea, unless you are 11 in the year 1992 as I was or a rave I suppose but that whole seen is a mess. Perhaps I should have saved my neon green Keds. Darn.  Fast forward a few years and I am starting high school and the "hippie-bohemian" look was in. My mother said to me, "you dress just like I did in the 70's, I should have saved all my old stuff for you!. My mom is the greatest but she is not hip or cool, she is a mom and the thought that we would wear anything similar ever was not possible.

I mean these hot chicks above do not look bad, but I wouldn't classify that look as good either. ever.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Starting the news super foods diet!

I love superfoods as you know. I found a great article in Self that features the 10 foods to include everyday, olive oil, salmon, quinoa, kiwi, yogurt(the plain greek kind), eggs, and a few others...I can't honestly remember so apparently I need to research further. Anyway I'm starting the diet today, I'll give an update later!

Monday, April 2, 2012

What Happened to my Swatch?

I grew up in the 90's and if you did too, you know all about the Swatch. I had long forgotten about these colorful, trendy, patterned accessories until I worked for a marketing company that worked with the beloved watch brand. It was like childhood fun all over again going through the pages of faces, straps and colors. I quickly realized that the mixing, matching and self fashion design wasn't the big selling point anymore. It looked like these new swatches came as a whole unit, where I recall a watch face that came with 10 different wrist straps that you could interchange in order to match your outfit or your converse. I only have to laugh when I see that sporty, colorful watches are back in the magazines and think man if I only still had my swatch...and actually quite a few other things I had as a teenager. Oh the irony.

Orange is it for Spring

When Spring comes people start wearing  khaki which is something that I have yet to understand. Maybe it's because I am as brunette as it gets and I picture the fairer haired women in the crisp, casual, sporty pants, skirts and blazers. I don't know that the tan, beige that is khaki has seen the inside of my closet until recently when I realized that I could pull off a bright orange-red tank or deep coral tee before summer if I paired it with a muted  less noticeable color. It is pure genius. It's fun mixed with sophistication and I am loving it, orange shades out for spring 12' are like no other shades I have ever seen and designers seems to unbiased as theses colors are working for brunettes and blonds alike.