Saturday, March 31, 2012

Cross Training-Gym Class for Adults

I have just recently taken my first Bootcamp Class which is hard to believe as I have been a fitness guru for years. I have always taken the opportunity to partake in any challenge and do any activity from yoga to extreme sports. Bootcamp or Cross-fit seemed an overpriced way to get in shape where as I could take kick boxing for free and this is what I compared it to for reasons unknown. My gym was offering free classes in attempts to get a year membership out of it. I like the word free when in combination with things I have not yet tried. I am very cautious about signing up for long term commitments without first getting a feel for anything. I found that Cross-fit was better than I had anticipated, but also reminded me way to much of being in gym class as a child. It was a basic warm up with a partner and I have to say when the instructor yelled out "get a partner" the same panic stricken look came across everyone's face that I remembered from my youth. After being recruited from a seasoned "bootcamper" I was instructed on how to rotate (or rather take turns) with my newly found friend. This was followed by a round robin of activities in which you stayed at each activity for 1 minute for a total of 5 stations, and then rested for a minute before going at it again. The instructors were there to cheer you on. I find this highly unmotivating however there must be some reason behind it. The biggest motivation was the same I remembered from 15 years ago, I wanted to be the winner. I was watching the person next to me at all times to make sure I had just enough of a lead, and at least one more "wall ball" than they did. Call me competitive, I hated losing back then and I certainly haven't come to terms with it as an adult. After all was said and done we got into a circle for the 5th time and proceeded to hear a pep talk. Also something I could have gone without. I know that people find these kind of speeches enlightening, I find them irritating. I did my workout and all I want to do is go sit, hydrate and eat. Overall I felt that I was well worked out and am still sore 3 days later in all the right places. Would I do it again? Probably, will I sign up for a membership? No. This is a workout for a certain type of a person, and I don't feel I am that person. I like to do my own thing at my own pace and without the additional motivation that I get from group exercising.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Baking Soda for What?

I have yet to jump on the "beauty tricks from the kitchen" bandwagon. Frankly putting mayo in my hair and smelling like a sandwich for a week does not appeal to me. Nor does putting eye yolks o my face. Some things are just silly. I can however appreciate a couple cucumber slices over my eyes when I am sporting black circles(which is much to often) but I have also come across another well kept secret that doesn't leave me wishing I hadn't given into the vinegar make your hair shiny idea I got from my sister. Baking soda as an exfoliate. I can dig it, no smell involved and it is the perfect grainy consistency you want from any exfoliate. Not to harsh. This was my test before getting my ritual self tan last week and I'm sold. It kept my skin soft, with zero odor and it's like $1 per box. Give it a try, not much to lose...and I hear it's good for aging. Never hurts. 

Super Foods, eat for your body, it's yours for life.


There was once thought to be 10 superfoods including blueberries, almonds, turkey, olive oil, green tea, oatmeal and a few others. Now we consider almost 100 foods "super" These foods benefit your body in so many ways with brain power, disease fighting properties, the ability to enhance your immune system, and protect against diseases such as osteoporosis, heart disease, certain cancers, diabetes, and respiratory infections. So where do we draw the line? Once 10, then 20, now 100. Trust me I like to eat and I like that there are so many options out there dubbed "super" but it always makes me wonder when numbers fluctuate so vastly. Consider this, almost any veggie or fruit is considered awesome. Many lean meats, lean fish and proteins made from soy. Calcium rich low-fat dairy with emphasis on soy, rice and almond products. And we all know that chocolate of the darkest variety is included. Throw olive oil in there and you've got it. Super foods in a nutshell.